Don’t Try This At Home

Posted: May 17, 2012 in Humanity is a virus, Music nobody listens to

Donna Summer died; however, I admit to never being much for the pop or disco realms, while conceding her talent and impact on music and culture.  So I will just piggyback on  Jennifer (not that one)’s reminiscence post.
And post a couple of videos from a different musician who had plenty of problems in personal and professional life and died way too early (although not recently), Kirsty MacColl:

Who better than Billy Bragg to give a hearty Fuck You to North Carolina?

I have probably mentioned before, but while she  toured rarely, I saw her singing with Midge Ure when he was in town quite a few years ago.  I don’t recall for sure, but I suspect they did one or two of her songs.

Word of warning; if you are feeling a bit down, do not Google to find out how she died, and the aftermath.

  1. Jennifer says:

    Word of warning; if you are feeling a bit down, do not Google to find out how she died, and the aftermath.

    Aren’t you supposed to be spreading rays of motherfucking sunshine???

  2. It will also shock Jennifer to learn that thunder is not really Optimistic; and mikey’s trousers are rarely Compliant.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Oh… I’m well-aware of the cognitive dissonance that is thundra… I know nothing about mikey’s pants, but I do know Billy Bragg is awesome.

  4. ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© says:

    NEW post ALMOST finished.

    “Hope and/or Change News Roundup”

    Of course, I’ve got at least a dozen drafts lying around that are ALMOST finished.

  5. another kiwi says:

    I agree with Mr. Zombie

  6. herr doktor bimler says:

    I disagree with Mr. Zombie, though not yet sure what about.

  7. Jennifer says:

    I disagree with Mr. Zombie, though not yet sure what about.

    Always a popular stance to take.

  8. Jennifer says:

    ZRM- I finally was able to get out of the house and get a beer!! Enjoy your zoning meeting. Cheers!

  9. Oh, the mile-a-minute life of an underemployed architect!

    The first Special Use was no problem, the second one was complicated because a nearby church had been casually using the lot as parking, and feel like they’ve been jerked around byt the city (not our fault) and were looking for some way to just get their project done somehow without being kneecapped for something not their fault. My client, being the standup sort, is going to help them how he can, and all of us may be teaming up for an RFP on an adjacent disused school.

    Oh, and saw my ex-partner in the hearing room. She ignored me though, probably for the best. But now I REALLY need a drink.

  10. Pinko Punko says:

    Yeah, it was incredibly sad. Oh KM..

  11. Such a shame when an artist with so much talent (or anybody for that matter I suppose) is taken too soon. Life isn’t fair sometimes.


  12. Kathleen says:

    I want some mutherf’ing rays of sunshine in my mutherf’ing blogs

  13. ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© says:

    I keep trying to regulate optimism into ’em, Kathleen.

    But they just won’t fucking listen.

  14. He keeps trying to beat it into us. “The beatings will continue until you fuckers get optimistic” that’s what the thunder t-shirts say.

  15. herr doktor bimler says:

    I only just found out about Carlos Fuentes dying, which is the sort of information I relied upon J– for. Why isn’t he blogging these days?

    a nearby church had been casually using the lot as parking

    When churches die out from lack of interest, the buildings can usually be converted into a pub or something equally useful.

  16. herr doktor bimler says:

    Teh Vatican City is probably too big for one pub. Perhaps it will be converted into a theme park.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Teh Vatican City is probably too big for one pub. Perhaps it will be converted into a theme park.

    Or a minimum security prison.

  18. When churches die out from lack of interest

    The coolest part of Sim City was blowing up the churches and replacing them with something useful.

  19. mikey says:

    When I lived in Cow Hollow the pastor of the church across the street used to let me park my scoot in the atrium, as long as it was after nine pee emm…

  20. The coolest part of Sim City was blowing up the churches and replacing them with something useful.

    Hey! I did that, too!

  21. fish says:

    Perhaps it will be converted into a theme park.

    Has it not already?

  22. Or a minimum security prison.

    The advantage of this is that so few of teh current tenants will need to be relocated. I would dispute the ‘minimum’ though.

  23. Jennifer says:

    I guess I was figuring it was too posh to be maximum.

    But if it is, perhaps they could call it Pontifex Maximus.

  24. Von says:

    So, Guess who is working the Billy Bragg show at Old Town in a few weeks?
    THIS GIRL!!!!!

Go ahead, tell me how I fucked up this time.

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