This Ain’t The Summer of Love

Posted: August 8, 2011 in Uncategorized



viddy first eyeballed at Mock Paper Scissors.

  1. glue birl says:

    “The R’s didn’t campaign on cutting safety net programs..but bringing jobs and the vague assumption of controlling the size of the federal government.”

    The Rs campaign on one thing and one thing only — have been since I was old enough to pay attention. Which has been like three years. Ha! Ha!

    Reducing taxes / reducing the size of government. Everything else they say stems from that. This country needs jobs? Well, we’ll reduce taxes and reduce the size of government. We have a debt problem? We’ll reduce taxes and reduce the size of government. Your baby needs a new pair of shoes? We’ll reduce taxes and reduce the size of government. In. To. Infinity.

    Reducing taxes and reducing the size of government is a religion to them. That’s all they believe in.

    What liberals believe in is more complicated. Another reason we need Obama to spell it out.

    Spell it out, Obama!!!!!!!!

  2. And I am a proud member of Russ’s Progressive group already. 😉

  3. glue birl says:

    “Hey! when did my blog turn into a discussion board?”

    Shhhh! We’re talking!! lol

  4. Glue Birl, I agree on this: Reducing taxes / reducing the size of government. Everything else they say stems from that But the fact is, you can NOT get any vaguer than that premise, right? None of them said they would reduce govt by cutting safety net programs…or else they wouldn’t of been elected, I would bet my brown ass on that. People assumed a lot when they heard that mantra. By people, I mean those that support or want to support the GOP wingnuts.

  5. Obama will not save us. We might as well elect Mittens if we believe that. Obama has turned on his voting base..those who wanted good change..not just change. He campaigned on transparency and has provided little of that either. I see little difference between Obama’s moves since he has sat his ass in the Oval Office and Mittens Romney’s beliefs that he spews or will claim as his own. He too is a gigantic flip flopper who tries to cover-up his stunning lurch to the extreme right with speechifying.

    Obama is a great none. But there is no substance there.

  6. glue birl says:

    “But the fact is, you can NOT get any vaguer than that premise, right?”

    I totally disagree with that. What people hear is: “I’ll pay less money. Yay.” And when they hear “reduce the size of government”, what they hear is: “Good, no more wasteful spending on people who should be pulling their own weight anyway.”

    And that’s because they’ve been brainwashed to think that ever since Reagan since he and the entire R party has driven that point home over and over and over again. it really is about as simple and specific as you can get.

    And you are right that a large number of people who vote for Republicans don’t realize that “reducing the size of government” means reducing the amount of aide they receive or the outright elimination of programs they benefit from and and rely on. How people are THAT out of the loop, I’ll never be able to explain or understand. But, if you do know who and what the Republicans have been since Goldwater, you know their main goal in life has been to unravel and eliminate The New Deal.

  7. glue birl says:

    And that’s not to say that I have been following politics since Goldwater!!! lol NOT that old!! 🙂

  8. What people ‘hear’ has nothing to do with what the R’s “do”. It’s the same as saying Obama hasn’t been clear on what he believes. It’s a purposeful move on the part of any politician.

    The Majority of Americans do not pay attention to politics. They get their news in 30 sec soundbites on the national networks. Most of the voting populous hasn’t got a clue as to the history of the R’s and what they truly want..which is to make govt small enough to drown in a bathtub.

    It goes to many of the points you actually make..But its about how they apply the talking points to “themselves and their needs”. No clearer vision of this is the crap in WI right now. The union members that voted R have buyers remorse now. They didn’t pay attention to the R agenda..they voted based on personal needs and the buzzwords the R’s have used for you so aptly point out as well.

    The only brainwashed people are those that get their ‘news’ from Faux. I do not consider the general voters as brainwashed..they are mis-informed or under-informed..thanks to the fact that they get their information from the national news those 30 sec soundbites.

  9. I am that old Glue Birl. 😉

  10. Jennifer says:

    Hey! when did my blog turn into a discussion board?

    I know! I’ve been out… figured I’d stop back and see if anything was going on and there were 80+ comments!!! I had to double-check to make sure I was at ZRM’s blog! 🙂

    It appears the sage smudging and move to wordpress worked, ZRM!

  11. Jennifer says:

    And you are right that a large number of people who vote for Republicans don’t realize that “reducing the size of government” means reducing the amount of aide they receive or the outright elimination of programs they benefit from and and rely on.

    But reducing the size of government still means they can expand it into our bedrooms, marriages and wombs. Somehow that’s ok.

  12. glue birl says:

    “What people ‘hear’ has nothing to do with what the R’s “do””

    But cutting taxes and trying to reduce government is all they do. It is all they do. They don’t do anything else.

    I know it’s more complicated than this, but in WI they (partially) busted collective bargaining rights. Which means unions will have less power. Which means money won’t be funneled so easily to the Democrats which means the Dems will be weaker which means the Rs can reduce taxes further and reduce government further. Which means more money for them and for whoever is bankrolling them.

    But, I will agree on the not informed/under-informed point. But, brainwashed is just a word I chose to use that basically means the same thing.

  13. glue birl says:

    If we ever unlock the puzzle of why people vote against their own interests, we could be rich! Rich, I tells ya!

  14. glue birl says:

    And, Zerm! I thank you for your hospitality and for you welcoming us into your pad to discuss the great issues of the day! (Someone please turn off that lava lamp) I haven’t felt well all day and have been doing the minimum amount of work I can get away with — so to be able to vent (cuz I work by myself — no one to talk to!) over here about everything that’s driving me NUTS is much appreciated!

  15. If we ever unlock the puzzle of why people vote against their own interests, we could be rich! Rich, I tells ya!

    The Republicans skip a step, and just use that fact to make themselves rich, no understanding of the puzzle necessary. It’s pragmatic and cynical.

  16. Also, Dusty, GB is actually Blue Girl , a longtime Imaginary Digital Friend. I dunno why she messed up her name here, but I think it has to do with the fact that she doesn’t know my name.

    Don’t enter a cookie contest if she is in it.

  17. glue birl says:

    Dylan Ratigan is on fire right now. On fire! If you can find it online, make sure you watch it!!!!

  18. Jennifer says:

    I can only read in the morning… by the time the afternoon runs around, I’m tired and bleary-eyed and read things that aren’t there. BG- I thought you said this:

    I know it’s more complicated than this, but in WI they (partially) busted collective bargaining rights. Which means unicorns will have less power.

  19. Blue Girl says:

    Actually, I initially typed “glue” and it was a typo!!! And I panicked because, OMG, I could never have a typo on Zerm’s blog! He would kill me! And then I thought. Eh, whatever. And then I thought…. Jeddie Ningo has called me glue birl a million times and Zerm will remember that. So I just kept glue and added birl.

    The end.

  20. glue birl says:

    LOL, Jennifer. I am the SAME way. I read the craziest things that aren’t even there all the time. And by this time of the day, I HAVE to wear my glasses. Bleary-eyed is right!

    lol @ unicorns having less power.

  21. I wish Zombie had threaded comments, so I don’t step on anyone else’s response..but alas, he does not use that plugin. 😉

    Jennifer, for me, I don’t think anything the R’s do, or intend to do is ok..not by a long-friggin-shot. I am not registered as a D but ascribe to most of their positions on the issues as the R’s are basically batshit crazies in my book.

    Glue the name..but it drives me nuts as I want to type Blue Girl of course. 😉 Those of us that are political beings know what the R’s intentions are. Having protested the Vietnam War as a teenager, I have closely followed all politics for decades. WI voters were apathetic in the last election and got what they voted they are all pissed that they didn’t pay attention or read the fine print. I don’t blame them for it..but they have gotten the state govt they voted for. I hope like hell the recall election goes great today and we see the R’s lose their collective asses.

    But I don’t agree that brainwashed is the same as being uninformed or misinformed. Faux viewers are brainwashed, which to me means buying into their lies without questioning them or the intent of the ‘spewer’.

  22. Jennifer says:

    lol @ unicorns having less power

    As IF!! Right?!?

  23. glue birl says:

    Liberals in power might as well be unicorns, they are that common.

  24. I adore Dylan’s show..and I hate that MSNBC does not promote it more. Instead we get the jackass Tweety twice in the afternoon and they run relentless commercials to promote his drivel.

  25. glue birl says:

    Dusty, I think we pretty much agree on stuff. We’re just getting in the weeds here. But, it’s great to vent anyway. And finally! Zerm makes a format introduction after we’ve been at this party all day long! Blue Girl’s fine, BG’s fine. Or Unicorn. lol

    Fellow unicorns…. UNITE!

    And Jennifer, lol @ “as if” 🙂

  26. Blue Girl says:

    ZRM, command z doesn’t work in this comment area!

  27. Fuck threaded comments. Stepping on comments is an Empire tradition. Learn to quote the people you’re replying to .

    I wish Zombie had threaded comments, so I don’t step on anyone else’s response..

    Like that. Sheesh. LAZY!

  28. Lefties are more diverse than righties. Ever been to a Progressive protest? Gawd, there are so many splinter groups that really have nothing to do w/the subject of the the conspiracy folks as an example. The Corporate media always talks up the freaks of course.

    I enjoy all the back and forth w/other Progressives. I also take on the respectful conservatives on other blogs. Respectful being the operative word.

  29. ZRM, command z doesn’t work in this comment area!

    talk to WordPress. They’ll refund your money.

    Also “format introduction”? LOL, as the kids say. Or maybe you could type gooder, Cookie Queen.

  30. Excuse me Zombilicious but I do that quite often. You apparently like the anarchist approach! 😆

  31. Gawd, there are so many splinter groups

    People’s Front of Judea?!!? Fucking splitters!

  32. You apparently like the anarchist approach!


  33. Damn..I forgot that you announced it. My bad. 😉 Bouffant is supporting the anarchists in the UK with all his posts on the craziness going on over there.

    I am merely a political nihilist.

  34. […] speaks Dusty, hells most vo… on This Ain’t The Summer of…zombie rotten mcdona… on This Ain’t The Summer of…zombie rotten mcdona… […]

  35. I am merely a political nihilist.

    Say what you will about the tenets of Zombie Anarchism, Dusty, but at least it’s an ethos.

  36. Another Kiwi says:

    Fuckin’ hell! That’s a lot for me to read, you know. and it’s written upside down. But don’t worry about brave little AK, no that any one does!!
    Go Wisconsin, moider the bums*

    *historical reference, not actual instructions

  37. Or moot…


    I try to do better, but that’s one of the things that will still bring out the Grammar Zombie.

    Now we will get started on tenant/tenet…..

  38. Another Kiwi says:

    Please, don’t point that moot at me (Milligan 1950’s)

  39. Yes my syntax sucks at you get to use the line above the comments section: Go ahead, tell me how I fucked up this time. 😆

    Gawd I am watching O’Donnell and he just had Ed on w/an update about WI. I didn’t know that one district had been red for over a hundred years!

    A political nihilist is a douche of sorts..but then I can be a douche at times..goes well w/my sparkling personality.

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