
Posted: November 8, 2011 in Uncategorized


  1. POOP!

    There it is…

    P.S. I just voted to repeal SB-5, Koch’s ALEC-written anti-union law in Ohio.

    Missed seeing the Mare vote by a couple minutes, apparently. (Presumably Mayor Coleman voted for himself, and also against SB-5.)

  2. fish says:

    Imagine my surprise to discover zombie using a conventional news definition for the word “breaking.”

  3. Jennifer says:

    Where’s Mike Rowe?

    On a serious note- that bluff collapse sounds nasty. Thank goodness they’ve got 21st Century methods for keeping it in check!

  4. Good on ya, thudner….fuck that Kasich fellow, hey?

    In other turdwaffle news, Walker has pulled out some new funny business to try to maintain his oligarchy….early filing of recall papers by a buddy allows him to start unlimited fundraising in advance…and they are trying to change the rules to require notarization of recall petitions.

    If these fuckers spent half the time on actual governance as they do on fucking power trip games, we would have a nice little country here.

  5. Jennifer says:

    If these fuckers spent half the time on actual governance as they do on fucking power trip games, we would have a nice little country here.

    Yes we would, but they don’t care about we. They want it all to themselves.

    This was an interesting and depressing read.

  6. O yeah, Jennifer, no doubt; even with my relentlessly Pollyanna-ish, rose-colored-glasses outlook, I have no doubt of that. As driftglass often says, there is a Club…and we’re not in it.

    I was just struck by how people like Paul Ryan and Turdwaffle have a lackadaisacal, some might say aggressively unconcerned, attitude towards actually doing the work their job entails, while being so enthusiastic when it comes to shit like this, and protecting their phony-baloney jobs.

    All I can say is that any job I’ve had, I’ve actually had to DO it, you know? And since Turdwaffle is unwilling to do that, we are going to fire him, with a little luck. And suddenly he’s all Mr. Creative-Get-It-Done Go-Getter Guy, on this issue at least.

    Not surprised by it, no. But boy, being a politician has got to be the easiest job ever.

  7. Our laws are the output of a system which clothes rascals in robes and honesty in rags. The [political] parties lie to us and the political speakers mislead us…Money rules.”

    Mary Elizabeth Lease, 1890. from Jennifer’s link.

    It is heartening to know that we’ve clawed our way out of this kind of cesspit at least once before.

  8. Jennifer says:

    And since Turdwaffle is unwilling to do that, we are going to fire him

    I sure hope so.

  9. Jennifer says:

    It is heartening to know that we’ve clawed our way out of this kind of cesspit at least once before.

    Yes, but it’s also amazing at how fast they got to work at turning it right back around again…

  10. Yes, but it’s also amazing at how fast they got to work at turning it right back around again…

    They’re like the squirrels. I get them cleaned out, repair the house, and they just start in chewing on it in some other location.

    Moyers kind of touched on it in that speech. The mistake liberals make is that we think the end of the battle is the end of the war.

    Gosh, Jennifer, you been hanging out with Bouffant lately?

  11. I just can’t read another thing about the Kardashians.

  12. (fridge note to BS: when I say “Turdwaffle”, I mean Scott Walker.)

  13. No, no…I just see “Poop” and assume it’s about the K. family.

  14. Jennifer says:

    No, no…I just see “Poop” and assume it’s about the K. family.

    Kardashian Krap

  15. Oh you lucky, naive zombie. I remember when I was a naive zombie. *sigh*

  16. Silent Mike says:

    >>But boy, being a politician has got to be the easiest job ever.<<

    Not for us. We have moral compasses.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Gosh, Jennifer, you been hanging out with Bouffant lately?

    No… just angry bats. 🙂

    If I had been hanging out with Bouffant, he would have thought I was the other Jennifer anyhow.

  18. Big Bad Bald Bastard says:

    I thought this post would be about Electric Boogaloo. Damn!

    All I can say is that any job I’ve had, I’ve actually had to DO it, you know?

    Your problem is that you’re not a sociopath.

  19. M. Bouffant says:

    he would have thought I was the other Jennifer anyhow.

    Would not!!

    (Pictures would help, ‘though.)

  20. Your problem is that you’re not a sociopath.

    It’s like you haven’t been paying attention to my posts.

    OT: if I’m not too late, I’ll be going down to Illinois for certification in joint locks this weekend. FUN!

  21. Jennifer says:

    OT: if I’m not too late, I’ll be going down to Illinois for certification in joint locks this weekend. FUN!

    This weekend?? I could have used your assistance today…

  22. Kathleen says:

    If these fuckers spent half the time on actual governance as they do on fucking power trip games, we would have a nice little country here.

    LOL so true

  23. Jennifer needs roadside bat assistance.

  24. Kathleen says:

    I am hopped up on 3 hot toddies and I am going to be leaving comments ALL OVER THE INTERNETS

  25. Kathleen says:

    OT: if I’m not too late, I’ll be going down to Illinois for certification in joint locks this weekend. FUN!

    I can’t tell if this is a architect thing, a karate thing, or a zombie-munching-on-people thing

  26. Jennifer needs roadside bat assistance.

    Jennifer needs roadside BAR assistance.

  27. wow, I’m spending a lot of time in Illinois these days.

    Never mind. Just a little reconnaissance before the zompocalypse.

  28. Jennifer says:

    I also need comment assistance. Apparently I don’t do it right…

    And I’ll take bat AND bar assistance.

    Hey, random question… where could I buy just about 10 feet of barbed wire? Can you buy barbed wire by needed length like fabric or do you need to buy an entire spool??

  29. You should be able to buy bobwire by the foot at anyplace that sells fencing materials, Jennifer (not that one).

    Creating a little DMZ in painting class?

  30. Jennifer says:

    Bobwire?? What’s the difference? I thought it was barbed wire. Is there a difference or have I been saying it wrong all these years??

    And LOL at a little DMZ in painting class! I wish!

    I also need plaster and burlap… and some black glasses, but I know where to get those. Heh.

  31. Also.. I’m amended my sign-in.

  32. Bobwire is the Texas pronunciation.

    If you’ve seen Prick Erry’s recent performance at the most recent debate, you might suspect that zombies have been nomming on his brains, what there are a them.

    Please ignore any stray Texas type terms sneakin inta my speakin.

  33. Jennifer says:

    Maybe I’ll just make my own faux bob/barb wire… I’m think I need something more flexible anyhow, and with the illusion of barbs, but not real barbs.

    Carry on.

  34. making a crown of thorns/bobwire?

  35. Jennifer says:

    If you’ve seen Prick Erry’s recent performance at the most recent debate, you might suspect that zombies have been nomming on his brains, what there are a them.

    I thought he’d just had tee many martunis.

  36. Jennifer says:

    making a crown of thorns/bobwire?

    Mmmm, no.

    Just a project I had sketched up about 10 years ago that I ran across again and think I’ll have to do…just to keep me sane, if for nothing else.

  37. I thought he’d just had tee many martunis.

    You can tell the serious Presidential contenders, they are the ones that get drunk before debates.

    O gosh, remember when Prick Erry getting into the race was going to be the Second Coming Of Raygun, followed by heavenly hosts and a Beatles reunion?

  38. Jennifer says:

    O gosh, remember when Prick Erry getting into the race was going to be the Second Coming Of Raygun, followed by heavenly hosts and a Beatles reunion?


    Now that was almost a ray of motherfucking sunshine!

  39. Jennifer says:

    Where are your rays now?? It’s snowing, and accumulating…

  40. O gosh, remember when Prick Erry getting into the race was going to be the Second Coming Of Raygun, followed by heavenly hosts and a Beatles reunion?

    Yeah, Heh.

    Now watch boring old sleaze Newticles get hailed as the second coming.

    Heh. Heh. Heh.

  41. Third coming, M.O.O.

    Fourth, as soon as Plastic Callista contracts cancer.

  42. Brando says:

    I thought this post would be about Electric Boogaloo. Damn!

    There’s no stopping ZRM, no one does it better!

  43. Whale Chowder says:

    If these fuckers spent half the time on actual governance as they do on fucking power trip games, we would have a nice little country here.

    As others have pointed out, these fuckers aren’t interested in actual governance. They are convinced that governing is bad so the only solution is bad governing.

  44. When there came a killing frost…

  45. herr doktor bimler says:

    Newt & Callista have a real American Gothic vibe going on.
    Needs moar pitchfork.

  46. herr doktor bimler says:

    Not Bob wire.

  47. herr doktor bimler says:

    Also not Bob wire.

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