Roll the Bodies Over

Posted: December 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

I am both insulted and gratified at today’s search term:


“be nice to your fat friend zombie”


Thanks!  I hate you!

  1. OK, wtf is with the snowflakes on the website? From a Zombie? Figured you for a scrooge-type, like me when it comes to Xmas and all that commercial shit. 😉

  2. Laura says:

    Apparently, you’ve been indulging on too many pre-Xmas brains.
    You’d better cut back Mister!


  3. Those are orbs, Dusty. No Way! They are ugly little floaty white things! Orbs are dark and foreboding Thunder!

  4. Note that falling snow deadens (heh) sound making it even easier for teh undead to stalk their prey.

  5. Jennifer says:

    I agree. Needs moar snow… and some Vince Guaraldi.

  6. would you settle for some freezing rain and Ronnie James Dio singin “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”?

  7. Would you believe some cat dander and Hasselhoff?

  8. How about a crumbled Wint-O-Green Certs and a greeting card that plays “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” in MIDI?

  9. and some Vince Guaraldi. NOOOOOOOOOO! Not Vinny G too! 😉

  10. Would you believe some cat dander and Hasselhoff? Ok, that I can handle Thunder, gracias dude.

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